Using a wide range of experimental and theoretical methods, the focus of project area F will be the study of the dynamical properties of correlated matter. Both the character of emergent long-range order as well as novel forms of quantum statistics may be identified most easily in the spectrum of excitations. In turn, understanding the frequency- and time-dependent response in a broad range of external parameters like temperature, applied magnetic or electric fields, or pressure, is a mandatory prerequisite for exploring potential functionalities. Important aspects concern changes of the ground-state properties when varying the dimensionality of the systems, e.g., from one-dimensional to two-dimensional to interfaces and heterostructures and finally to bulk samples.
The experimental projects F1-F5 & F7, as well as the theory project F6, represent continuations of projects pursued in the previous funding period, while the new project F8 deals with theoretical issues arising from drastic forms of disorder in quantum systems. These projects are closely linked within Project Area F, but also with the planned activities and goals of Project Areas E and G. Except for a few scientifically motivated rearrangements, Project Area F aims to continue the most successful efforts of the previous funding period.