Determination of Electronic Structure Using Spin-Polarized Positrons
C. Hugenschmidt, P. Böni, L. Chioncel
- J. Ketels, M. Leitner, P. Böni, C. Hugenschmid, M. Sekania, A. James, J. Bonart, N. Unglert, L. Chioncel, Fermi Surface Modeling of Light-Rare-Earth Hexaborides
using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, Phys. Status Solidi B 259, 2100151 (2022) [E2]
- Josef Ketels, David Billington, Stephen Dugdale, Michael Leitner, Christoph Hugenschmidt, Momentum Density Spectroscopy of Pd: Comparison of 2D-ACAR and Compton Scattering Using a 1D-to-2D Reconstruction Method, Phys. Rev. B 104, 075160 (2021) [E2]
Short Summary
Spin-polarized 2D-ACAR (Angular Correlation of Annihilation Radiation) is a powerful technique for the measurement of the spin-resolved Fermi surface. We will focus on the electronic structure of elemental crystals, eg{} Pd, Gd and Cr, and of intermetallic compounds such as Heusler alloys in order to obtain an understanding of the electron correlations. The theoretical calculation of the electron momentum density in correlated systems will be developed further by solving a lattice Hubbard-model with short range Coulomb interactions to model electron-electron and electron-positron interactions.